Shooting from Home Guide [Video]

The way many of us work has dramatically changed in recent weeks, with millions embracing the challenges of working from home. That means the need to keep in contact using the latest technologies is more important than ever.

With video calls from mobile phones, tablets and laptops now a staple of our day for many of us, our video and creative team offer some handy tips on how to make sure you’re presenting your clearest, brightest self – even if you are still sat in your pyjamas!

Follow the basics

Don’t shoot portrait – always shoot landscape!

Pick an environment that best suits the needs of the video – clean, bright and uncluttered is best.

Don’t shoot with a window behind you to avoid silhouettes – cast light on your face by keeping the window in front.

For best audio, avoid noisy spaces – if possible, wait for troublesome sounds to stop.

Remember to stay close to your microphone at all times.

Some advanced tips and tricks

You can adjust lighting on your phone by clicking on the brightest part of the image.

If you are appearing too dark, turn on a light in front of you.

You can also open a blank page or document on your screen to help with lighting.

Check out our dedicated video production page here!