Why emotion is essential to content marketing

Have you ever felt drawn to a particular company with no real explanation as to why?

Perhaps you walk past a number of coffee shops every morning on the way to work and never even entertain the idea of visiting anything other than a Starbucks.

Well, there’s a reason for this: we all have emotional relationships with our favourite brands, and this bond is one of the key reasons why we stay loyal to them. 

Emotions affect every aspect of our daily lives. It stands to reason, then, that the business world is also affected by this innate human phenomenon. In fact, your audience’s moods and feelings can have a huge impact on the success of your business, especially through the relationship and connection they feel with you.

So what can you do to build more emotional and meaningful associations with your customers?

Image credit: iStock/oatawa

The role of content marketing

Strong content allows you to make use of the oldest marketing technique in the book: storytelling.

Think about promotions that have stuck with you in the past. Whether it’s the John Lewis annual Christmas ad, or Vodafone’s famed “Dad…he’s left me” commercial, you’re much more likely to sit up and take notice when marketing makes an emotional connection with you.

Interesting, compelling narratives and unique content drastically increase your chances of connecting with prospects and influencing their opinion of (or feelings about) your brand.

By using language that resonates with your audience you can really speak to them on a personal level, further emphasising the value of your product or service.

Know your audience

Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky famously said: “Build something 100 people love, not something one million people kind of like.” 

Appealing to everyone under the sun is an impossible ambition to achieve. But by identifying your target audience and showing that you understand their needs, you can elicit an emotional response and steadily build a genuine bond with your customers.

What’s more, creating a positive image of the people who use your brand makes it more likely that you will get others to buy into it.

Create a personality

Customers can relate to a brand much more strongly if they see it as a ‘who’ rather than a ‘what’. Take Coca-Cola, for example. The company has created one of the most recognisable brands in the world with marketing that conveys qualities like geniality and confidence.

This has helped it build a loyal customer base and cement its position as one of the most successful companies in the food and beverage industry.

When you’re planning your next content marketing campaign, consider steps you can take to add a more human, personal element to your brand. This could be anything from injecting some humour into your advertising to making videos that introduce viewers to your employees.

If you’re looking for help with coming up with new, imaginative ideas for your marketing content, talk to Axonn.

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