Axonn Blog

Understanding E-E-A-T for SEO success

E-E-A-T is a handy way to remember the key criteria Google uses to rate quality content. Optimising for E-E-A-T will turbo boost your SEO efforts. For many years, marketers used the E-A-T framework from Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines to demonstrate a brand’s trustworthiness in the eyes of the search engine. More recently, an extra […]

Axonn Blog

What did we learn about SEO from the recent Google leak?

At the end of May 2024, there was a leak of Google documents, which has now been verified as authentic. What did it tell us? Ever since the dawn of search engine optimization (SEO), marketers have done everything they can to try and understand Google’s mysterious algorithm, vying for the top spots in its search […]

Shutters and red door in blue wall

Will Google put AI features behind a paywall?

Google is considering putting new AI-powered features behind a paywall in a move that could have far-reaching implications for SEO. If the search giant starts charging for premium features it will be the first time any of its core products have been behind a paywall. The proposed shake up of the business model could change […]

A tangle of fishing rope
Axonn Blog

Everything you need to know about links

Links are often overlooked, but they’re an important part of SEO, so you need to know how to use them correctly. In fact, great linking – in all its forms – could be the difference between you and your competition. Once you understand the nuances and how to utilise links to their full potential, you’ll […]

Vintage car driving along a seaside road
Axonn Blog

Is SEO without data just guesswork?

There are many SEO techniques you can employ, but without data you’ll have varying success. Data-driven SEO is the most effective way to get guaranteed results. Search engine optimisation (SEO) aims to improve the visibility of a website, but up to 80 per cent of site changes designed to boost rankings have no impact or […]

White building with teal and yellow shutters hanging open
Axonn Blog

Are you maximising your Google Business Profile?

At Axonn, we love finding the little SEO tasks that can help organisations be found and optimising your Google Business Profile is one of them. Often overlooked, maintaining this information panel is essential for business visibility in Google Search and Google Maps. What’s more, it’s free to do and gives you the power to manage […]

Person using a laptop computer from above
Axonn Blog

Local SEO and international SEO: What’s the difference?

That’s right, there are two types of location-based SEO and the way you approach improving your results in search will depend on which one you want to target. Most businesses are aware of the importance of search engine optimisation (SEO), but many don’t know the difference between local and international SEO. Many factors will play […]

inside of a neuron
Axonn Blog

Google launches SEO Made Easy YouTube series

Google has launched the first episode of its new YouTube series SEO Made Easy. While the search engine has been notoriously tight-lipped in the past about its algorithm and which practices help to put content at the top of its results pages, this could be an interesting peek behind the curtain. What is it? The […]

In-depth Content

Google Search Generative Experience: what do marketers need to know?

Artificial intelligence will have an increasingly pronounced impact on the world in the coming years, and marketing certainly won’t be insulated from its effects. Summary Google’s Search Generative Experience could shape the SEO landscape in the near future, so make sure you’re up to speed with what it is, what it could mean for your […]

Laptop, notepad and mug of coffee ona blue background
In-depth Content

The benefits of local SEO for growing your business

SEO is about more than getting you seen online – it’s about ensuring you’re being found by the right people. That’s why local SEO is a critical part of any digital marketing strategy. Summary Get the answers you need to some of your biggest questions about local SEO, including why it’s important, the specific benefits […]