Google Ads


Improve your ability to drive conversions through search and make paid advertising work better for you by embracing Google Ads. Google Ads is the internet search giant’s online advertising system, which works by allowing you to bid on keywords your customers will be using in their search queries.  It should be a key priority if you’re adopting paid advertising as part of your marketing strategy, as Google is still the primary way a large percentage of your audience will find you.

What to know about Google Ads

When someone searches for a term you’ve paid to rank for, a clickable ad directing users to your website will appear at the top of the results. Every time someone clicks on one of your ads, you pay an agreed amount to Google, which is why this type of advertising is called pay-per-click, or PPC.

The details of your ad setup – such as how much you can expect to pay for each click you receive – will depend on various factors, such as the keywords you’re focusing on and how many other brands are bidding on them.

While the effectiveness of Google Ads is also specific to each business and depends on a range of variables, many advertisers find that it’s a good way to boost their search visibility and attract more traffic to their website.

It’s important to remember that Google Ads isn’t a replacement or a shortcut for a good organic SEO-focused content strategy – you’ll need both if you’re to raise your brand’s profile and turn clicks into sales.

Improving your odds of success with Google Ads

Getting a Google Ads strategy to work effectively, however, takes work. You can’t simply set up ads for your primary keywords and expect to instantly see success. The chances are there will be many competitors doing the same thing, so you’ll need to take steps to stand out from the crowd – especially if you don’t have the same budgets as other firms.

A Google Ads plan should therefore begin with in-depth research to determine exactly what search terms your audience are using. This can often lead to surprising results if you find your customers’ thinking isn’t aligned with your own, or highlights keywords you would not have otherwise considered.

There are a range of positive steps you can take to increase your likelihood of success with this approach, such as:

  • Having a detailed, well-informed idea of the audience you’re targeting, based around key buyer personas
  • Conducting keyword research to find the terms that are most likely to deliver results, without blowing your budget
  • Identifying longtail keywords that you can use to attract customers who are making highly specific searches
  • Taking the time to write high-quality, engaging ad copy that will jump out at customers and draw them to your site

Working with an experienced marketing partner is a

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an effective way to use your marketing budget to truly impact your bottom line.

Paid search campaigns offer great value for money, but only if they’re run in an efficient way. You need a Google partner that can navigate you around the idiosyncrasies of the process and help you plan your campaign, implement it and track its success.

Reasons to work with a PPC agency in London

Just as your business holds expertise in its field, a PPC agency is staffed by professionals who know their way around everything from Google shopping to Google ads. 

Achieving this level of knowledge in-house is difficult and without it you’ll struggle to reap the benefits from consistently profitable PPC campaigns.

How can hiring a PPC agency save your business money in the long run?

Before you even start thinking about how your PPC campaign budget is spent, it’s worth noting the resources you’ll free up by hiring an agency. Tasking an expert to do a job will always be more efficient than asking a capable employee whose time could be better spent elsewhere. Free up resources within your company to focus on your business and leave the PPC ads to use.

No matter how big your budget is, no organisation can afford to waste money on their PPC campaigns. Yet, in an effort to cut costs, some businesses try to keep the process in-house, often leading to budget waste. Proper PPC management is crucial to ensure you’re only paying for the most relevant clicks and impressions for your business.

What are the advantages of working with a PPC agency in London?

Like all areas of digital marketing, the world of PPC is constantly changing, with frequent updates to best practices in areas like Google shopping and Microsoft ads. The best PPC agencies in London will ensure all of their staff are entirely up-to-date with their knowledge in every aspect of the service. This is something that’s hard to maintain on your own.

Having agency support means you’ve got a Google partner who understands the nuances of the relevant platform and will help you navigate the intricacies of each and every PPC campaign. They can deal with important elements that sometimes get overlooked, like privacy and analytics. And because they run Google ads and other types of campaign all the time you will have full peace of mind.

Who should consider working with a PPC agency in London?

If you’re wondering what sort of clients a PPC agency works with, the answer is quite varied. It may be that you’re new to PPC management and don’t know your Google Adwords from your display advertising. Perhaps you’ve had a go at a PPC campaign already and not seen the results you were expecting.

Anyone looking to boost their ROI and direct leads to their landing page content, or improve the visibility of their brand, can benefit from teaming up with a top PPC agency in London. It’s about knowing you’ve got the best people for the job and your PPC campaign isn’t just an afterthought, but an integral part of your lead-generating strategy.

Services offered by PPC agencies in London

PPC isn’t just one thing, which is among the reasons that it’s hard to master. A reputable PPC agency will offer a suite of services that work together to offer the best outcomes for your business. When looking for an agency in London to take care of this area for you, be sure to consider its SEO and PPC credentials carefully across a number of platforms from Google and Amazon ads to Facebook and LinkedIn advertising.

What services do London PPC agencies offer that other agencies do not?

You’ve found a London content marketing agency that says it’s full service. That’s great, but does it really have the specialist PPC knowledge you need to make the most of your campaigns? Integrating them with SEO is a massive boon, but only if the PPC elements are really up to scratch. Here are some of the PPC services you should be interrogating them on:

  • Google ads – you’ll require competency across paid search, setting campaign budgets and estimating results.
  • Social media PPC – placing a Facebook ad or one on any other social platform should be based on data and be targeted to specific demographics.
  • Google premier partner – it’s safe to say Google dominates the PPC space, so you want an agency that reflects this.
  • PPC account audit – continual monitoring of what’s working for your campaigns and what isn’t will maximise their impact.

What results should you expect from London PPC agencies?

Part of the conversation around paid search should be focused on the results right from the start. A competent PPC agency will talk to you about your goals and expectations, predicting how realistic they are and the ways in which they’ll use click services and other methods to achieve them.

The overall aim will likely be to increase leads through PPC marketing and advertising within a specific budget, but the nuances will vary between agency and client. Your PPC management service should include monitoring, with the agency checking in at key points to ensure everything is on track to meet your goals, tweaking any elements that are standing in the way of performance.

What services should a PPC agency offer for the best ROI?

Most agencies will offer similar standard PPC services, but there are a number of ways to make your budget go further. These hints and tips are the real indicators that help the PPC geeks stand out from the crowd and you’re going to want them on your side. After all, what marketing manager doesn’t want to show the best results possible to their stakeholders?!

Boost engagement with ad extensions

Stand out from the crowd with PPC ad extensions like form fields or call buttons. If you want potential customers to engage with your brand, then making it as easy as possible will work in your favour. There’s a wide selection of these extensions in Google Ads and your PPC agency should know how to deploy them for maximum effect.

Create time-sensitive ads

PPC isn’t just about getting leads, but relevant ones and your paid search agency should be encouraging you to create ads to fit your demographic. This includes posting them at times when they’re most likely to be found online. Manipulating the time element is easy on Google Ads and shouldn’t pose a problem for whoever is managing your PPC services

Think long-term, as well as short-term

Many businesses decide to embark on their PPC journey to achieve short-term results, but overlooking the long-term uses of PPC services means you’ll miss out on a lot of potential. In fact, companies that continue with paid ads over a number of years will find their ROI gets better and better.

How to choose the best PPC agency in London

Trying to choose a PPC company can seem like a daunting prospect, especially as you’re going to be making a significant investment in these pay-per-click services. While it is of course important to ensure the agency you pick can competently run profitable PPC campaigns for you, it’s also vital you feel comfortable, so make sure the company culture fits with yours.

How can you compare PPC agencies in London to find the one that suits your needs?

The best way to compare PPC agencies is to decide on set criteria to measure all of them against. This is the fairest and most effective method for selecting a company, as you’ll be able to make direct and consistent comparisons during your search. These criteria should encompass a number of areas to find the right PPC agency for you.

Approach to PPC advertising

Understanding how any given PPC company operates is key to working out whether they’ll deliver the results you’re looking for. Don’t be afraid to ask them how they harness data, what their knowledge of local search is like and how they optimise for local search. They should be able to answer all of these queries easily, along with how their paid media activities interact with SEO services.

Ad spend strategies

It would be remiss not to ask potential PPC partners about their approach to ad spend and how they intend to get the best ROI for your business. After all, this is an area you’re likely going to have to report back on to your own stakeholders, so it’s vital you do your due diligence. Since a PPC expert will probably know more about this than you, ask questions about anything to do with PPC advertising budgets that you don’t understand.

Monitoring services

From placement on the Google Display Network to social media ads, you’re going to want to know what PPC metrics the agency will use to monitor the success of these activities. It’s the only way to justify ad spend and see exactly what you’re getting for your money. Regular monitoring will also identify any tweaks that can be made to make your PPC campaigns even more profitable.

Company culture and values

Once you’ve chosen a PPC agency to work with, it’ll hopefully be the start of a long and fruitful partnership. That makes taking the company culture and values into consideration very important. You want to know the agency’s ethos aligns with that of your own business and that you can have a pleasant working relationship with your new paid search and Google partners.

What factors should guide which London PPC agency you choose?

Put together a checklist of things you want from your PPC expert agency. It should include:

  • The agency’s attitude to your goals and how it intends to achieve them.
  • The tools that will be at the PPC agency’s disposal to measure success.
  • How analytics will be reported and presented to you as the client.
  • Whether the agency has its own database of first-party data.
  • What the approach to local search is like and knowledge of how it’ll benefit your business.
  • Ability to share results it’s achieved for other similar companies.
  • Whether they use bid monitors to make location-specific queries.
  • If the agency optimises PPC ads for mobile.
  • If the PPC channels it focuses on align with your demographic.
  • A comprehensive approach to keyword research.
  • Competency in all things digital marketing, not just paid search.

What should you look for in a London PPC agency?

To really get the most from your PPC agency, you can drill down into the minutiae of what makes some companies stand out from the rest. This is particularly useful if your initial research has resulted in a number of PPC advertising agencies that would seemingly do a good job and you don’t know how to pick one.

Consider ad platform partnerships

Opting for a PPC agency that has a partnership with one of the big hitters – Google, Microsoft or Facebook – can have various benefits. The most crucial is they’ll be able to directly contact a designated representative to resolve any issues, meaning you won’t have to wait in line for support.

Request to audit previous campaigns

If you’ve run any paid search campaigns in the past, be it in-house or with a different agency, your new PPC company should want to audit them. That will give them valuable insight into what works and what doesn’t for your business and your target audience.

Experience in your industry

While a well-established agency may be able to show you lots of examples of profitable PPC campaigns they’ve worked on in the past, these may be from businesses that are very different to yours. Ask to see evidence of how they carry out paid media tasks in your industry.

Puts PPC in context

No matter how good a paid advertising campaign is, it can’t do the heavy lifting all on its own. PPC should be part of a larger digital marketing strategy that maximises content to drive leads and reach goals. A great PPC agency should put all of it in context for you.

Not afraid to talk about money

Ad spend is just one of the costs incurred during your PPC journey, which can make pricing confusing. The agency you choose shouldn’t take advantage of that to blind you with numbers. Instead, they should be upfront about costs and confident they’re offering value for money.

Best PPC agencies in London

There are lots of reasons why you might want to choose a PPC agency in London. For example, it might be the relative proximity to your own business, offering the opportunity to go and discuss things face-to-face. This can be particularly reassuring if paid search is new to you and you’d benefit from a PPC expert going through it with you.

Which are the most influential PPC agencies in London?

The most influential PPC agencies in London are the ones that can seamlessly integrate all your marketing needs together, while still providing in-depth knowledge of the constituent parts. They know how PPC management can benefit their clients via paid search and social media platforms

How can you start working with one of the best PPC agencies in London?

You’ve taken the first step towards engaging the services of the best PPC agency by landing on this page. We have a vibrant office in London brimming with PPC specialists, whose collective knowledge encompasses everything from Google ad strategies right through to Instagram advertising.

There are lots of ways you can reach out to us, with the most simple being via a form on this page. Alternatively, you can give us a call to discuss your PPC management needs, or arrange a meeting for a more personal touch. We have a varied client base and understand that everyone’s different, so let us know what works for you.

What puts the best London PPC agencies at the top?

Being on top means listening carefully to your client and working with them to achieve their aims and goals. No two digital marketing strategies should be the same, because all businesses are different and incorporating those varied elements into PPC management is the key to success.

It’s also vital to remember that the PPC environment is constantly changing and no PPC company in London can stand still. It must continue to evolve with the times and demonstrate that its PPC experts have the most up-to-date knowledge to roll out the most successful campaigns for clients. We can’t know for sure what the future of PPC will look like, but we can keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening right now.

And even after they’ve been put in place, campaigns must be adapted as data is collected in real time to reflect what’s actually happening. No PPC specialist should think they’re above making changes when necessary, as this will only stand in the way of results. You should work with a digital marketing agency you trust, that will keep your brand’s best interests front and centre.

13 Minute Read

By axonnmedia | Updated

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