Deciding on the types of video you’re going to produce and the platforms you’ll be using are two elements of your video marketing strategy that will be closely linked. After all, what works well on your website may not perform in the same way on social media. Your content should be based around engaging topics that will appeal to your target audience and lend themselves to being explored in the way you’ve chosen.
Writing a video script is different to producing blog or landing page content and it needs to be formatted correctly. Keep sentences short and the overall script brief, with the script written in a way that sounds natural when spoken aloud. It’s important to understand the video specifications for different channels before you start post-production, otherwise you may find you can’t successfully post your content on your chosen platform when the time comes.
Identifying goals in your video marketing campaign
Some of the goals you may wish to set for your video marketing content include:
- Lead generation and conversion
- Social shares to boost brand awareness
- Likes and comments that demonstrate engagement